Aug 4, 2008

smartourism: where am I?

Despite the arrival of smarts in the USA, your Agent ØØsmart still makes the occasional pilgrimage to the motherland- to recharge the proverbial batteries and get the creative juices flowing.  Being a (sm)artiste is demanding work, after all.  So with digital camera and a memory card of obscene capacity in hand, I am currently on assignment.  

For those hoping for art shots of the Eiffel Tower, you are reading the wrong blog. But we can still be friends- and I may get the occasional picture of a famous landmark if it happens to be in the background of a smart. Will I look back in 10 years and wonder why I spent my vacation taking 1500 pictures of smart cars... instead of a refrigerator-worthy shot of myself in front of a Madrid McDonald's?  Probably.  But enough self-analysis... 

Any guess where I took this smart shot?